Otto Kekäläinen

Otto Kekäläinen

Otto Kekäläinen is the CEO of Seravo (, a Finnish company that provides support services for companies that use Linux and other open source software, e.g. WordPress. Otto has 15+ years of experience in using, developing and advocating open source software. He also serves as the CEO of the MariaDB Foundation, as the president of the Finnish Unix User Group Foundation and is also active in many other free and open source software promoting organisations. Otto used WordPress for the first time in 2004, but really got into it in the past
2 years.

In his flash talk at WordCamp Finland Otto will explain about how the open source community works and what benefits there are from a single developer and from a company perspective in publishing plugins at


Published by

Daniel Koskinen

An accessibility specialist. Ex-editor for WordPress in Finnish.

WordCamp Finland 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!