Timo-Jaakko Rautavuori

Timo-Jaakko Rautavuori

rautavuoriTimo-Jaakko Rautavuori (@timojr on Twitter) has been working in online journalism since 2006 at Aamulehti (second-largest newspaper in Finland in terms of circulation) and its parent company, Alma Media. His background is in journalism but the past few years his title has been Development Manager. In his current job he has managed multiple news site renewal projects. Some of these projects involved a closed CMS, but increasingly often the platform of choice has been WordPress. At WordCamp Finland Rautavuori will share his experiences of implementing WordPress from a media company perspective, and how well WP has suited their needs. This talk will be in Finnish.


Published by

Daniel Koskinen

An accessibility specialist. Ex-editor for WordPress in Finnish.

WordCamp Finland 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!