Lightning talks: Liisa Benmergui, Antti Kuosmanen, Aki Björklund

Welcome our second group of Lightning Talkers!

Liisa Benmergui

liisabWith over a decade of experience working as a UX and concept designer, Liisa Benmergui has had the pleasure of working with all manner of persons in the industry to create many digital products and services. She has worked on a number of services built on the WordPress platform and has come to understand the platform’s possibilities, as well as shortcomings, and is pleasantly surprised by its versatility, especially when working with skilled developers. She is currently a designer at Liisa’s talk will be about embracing the boundaries of templates.

Antti Kuosmanen

57B650A8-F91B-42ED-9FF2-0BDC652BF486@P-661HNU-DI-F1Antti Kuosmanen is an Open Source geek, WordPress evangelist at Seravo, founder of and author of many WordPress plugins. Antti’s talk will be about Open Source: the aspects of WordPress being GPL, and why it’s important for WordPress users, developers and businesses alike.

Aki Björklund

aki1Aki Björklund is a mostly self-taught web generalist. He has been developing websites since 2000. After 10 years of developing custom CMSs with Microsoft technologies for media companies, among other things, he had enough and switched to 100% WordPress. Aki is a founder and the CTO of H1, a Finnish WordPress agency. His talk will be about Practical REST API.

Author: Daniel Koskinen

An accessibility specialist. Ex-editor for WordPress in Finnish.

WordCamp Finland 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!