Call for Volunteers

WordCamps are only possible thanks to the kind people who volunteer to make it happen. Volunteering is a great way to contribute to WordPress and to get an inside view in case you are considering organising a similar event in the future. So would you like to help organise WordCamp Finland 2023?

As a volunteer, you will receive a free ticket and an invitation to the volunteers dinner. Volunteers are not expected to work the whole day; we want you to be able to enjoy some of the talks too!

These are some of the volunteer roles:

  • Registration: check in the attendees;
  • Swag station: hand out the swag to the attendees;
  • Photography: take photographs of the event;
  • Videography: use the provided gear to record all sessions;
  • Time keeping: inform the speakers about their remaining time at their talk;
  • Mic runner: give the microphone to the audience during the sessions Q&A;
  • Stage manager: announcing and managing the tracks during the event.

We will need most of the volunteers to be available on 15. September. If you can help on Thursday 14. September also, that would be great!

Call for volunteers has been closed.